Bill 21. Why? Here’s a reason

Steven Kaszab
3 min readDec 20, 2021

The world is waiting to see how the experiment known as Bill 21 is going to turn out. Experiment you ask? Indeed.

Quebec has had many historical and present day incidents of racism, but so has all Canadian Provinces, Cities and Communities. Quebecois are not any more racist than any other people on this planet. They may have become pawns in an attempt to see what will happen if a democratically elected government passes and imposes a piece of legislation upon its population, a law that tears church and state apart, secularizing a communities government to reflect what is a Quebec reality, that traditional institutionalized religion means little in their lives.

For most traditional religions the press back from the community has not been prompt or strong. That is until a teacher who wore a Muslim head dress was fired. Within Quebec society catholic and traditional Christian Churches membership has dropped over the past decades. While this is happening a startling happen shows that one particular religion, a religion that is alien to most Quebecois is growing in membership. Islam is a very aggressively proselytizing religion. In the past it historically expanded through out the world using a combination of nationalism and warfare. Today its fundamentalist sects which are prevalent through out their communities and they preach unfriendly messages to Canadians, messages brought to Canada from abroad. Most of our Muslim neighbor’s have no time for these fundamentalists and do not support them.

No government can pass laws to hinder such aggressiveness from one singular religion, therefore a universal law was needed to limit religions visual presence within Quebec’s Government. This has happened in other places around the globe. France, Mexico, Korea and Turkey are considered constitutionally secular with various laws limiting religions presence in government.

There is a ever increasing presence in society of extremism whether it comes in the form of political, ideological or religious organizations. Our society often lacks the ability or willingness to limit these organizations out reach to various communities. Limiting the rights of certain citizens seem to be something the authorities are willing to do. Victims like the unemployed teacher will come and go. Fear of what you do not understand will continue to prevail in many sectors of our national community and governments.

Remember that in all nations you are equal only so long as the government says so. Emergency law’s, security policies can and do limit or in a limited way squash your civil rights. Pierre Trudeau did so long ago in Quebec. Remember to that Quebec’s laws are different than that of the rest of our nation. Bill 21 answers the question…what if? What if a particular religion can acquire overly significant political clout that they can alter the provinces laws and traditions? Fear reigns seemingly so. Why else would they do what they have done, and protect their actions as just for Quebecois.

Canadians and much of the world are standing by to see what happens next. Legal issues aside, The Quebec Legislature can side step even its own Superior Court, and that of Canada’s too. those of you willing to spend good hard earn’t money on legal ways to fight Bill 21, please stop wasting your money and send it to a worthy charity in your community. Only the Quebecois are able to get Bill 21 set aside. Every Federal Politician in Ottawa, even ones who wear religious head dresses like Jagmeet singh are frightened of the issue, not willing to discuss or criticize Quebec’s willingness to bully some of its citizens. They pander to their future electors only.

Free Quebec from Racism. Quebec Libre from Fear.. Quebec come to your senses.

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario

