Steven Kaszab
4 min readOct 31, 2022


Ain’t No Rest for The Wicked.”There ain’t no rest for the wicked,

money don’t grow on trees.

I got to pay my bills, I got mouths to feed.

There ain’t nothing in this world thats free”.(Cage the Elephant).

Evil is not contrived, rooted in social circumstance, not even controlled by God, but a separate force other then. Whatever way you wish to explain it, conceive or understand it, Evil is what Evil does. Evil finds its roots in deprivation, loss, oppression or lack of grace. Evil is above all a human state.

We watch horror movies with a relish, looking forward to the “evil” that the supernatural inflict humanity and our offspring with. Religions throughout the ages have indoctrinated humanity with descriptions of demonic and evil forces among us, manipulating humanity into actions and thoughts not socially approved of at that time. In the past homosexuality, inter-racial and inter-religious marriage, the way one dressed and how one acted were viewed from socially approved norms as evil,(morally questionable), and those who practiced these acts were agents of evil. The Devil exists so that God can have a rival. What does the great revolutionary do(Satan),,but try to persuade the dis-satisfied individual into his camp. The battle between supernatural good and evil plays like a spy novel. I wish to leave the existence of supernatural evil and good aside for now,,and look upon it another day.

Evil is very human. Its expression can be seen in so many natural daily experiences. Anger, envy, distrust, greed, jealousy and all the other “sins” that lead to hate and violence. I’d like to place fear among these also, as fear often leads to hate of oneself, others and ideas. Why am I writing about evil you may ask? Well, I often see my neighbors and those whom I work with, or those on the newscasts taking evil actions by others as acceptable events, unchangeable, things to be seen but not really thought of, or discussed with others. The horrible bombing in Ukraine, the killing of someone, the destruction of the Amazon are all human evil in action. The Amazon Jungle is being burnt to the ground because of greed and ignorance. Money is more important than the earth’s atmosphere and environment. War is a historically necessity to many Industries throughout the world, an event of economic progression. To make money, someone needs to suffer. That is what capitalism is all about, money, money and more money for some. Evil acts are taken for granted by many of us. The death of someone we do not know is played out like it were a novel, to be examined and then forgotten.

Our civilization looks upon life not as a gift, but as a struggle to achieve and amass things. He or she who dies with the most toys win’s the game of life. Is that not an evil thought? Instead of seeing our lives as a gift, something that is to be given to another, we add selfishness to our lives. If we are to live as gather’s, let us gather that which is most precious, and not evil things. Yes I am saying Evil comes from within us. Evil is the waste of a person’s life who has been gathering things onto themselves, while ignoring those around them. To love and be loved should be our purpose and goal. A great meal fills us, but a hug, smile and love of another enables us to live and achieve.

Human Evil shows itself everywhere. Those who enact Evil actions do not have an angel and demon on their opposing shoulders. Humanity does not need the Devil to do Evil things. Perhaps the unspoken one is an excuse for our actions, or in actions. Years ago, a ship full of Jews set sail looking for a welcoming harbor so that they could escape Nazism. Many of these ships were turned away at unwelcoming harbors. Was that an Evil act? Bringing about a war through the use of falsehoods such as The Bush Administration did, claiming tools of mass destruction were in the hands of Iraq. Evil or good foreign policy? Selling illicit drugs to children, the weak and unprotected. Evil right? Cheating on your tax returns? Hiding your wealth in secrecy, while not paying your taxes. Evil or just good accounting practices?

We face challenges every day, to do or not to do something. Actions speak louder than words or thoughts. How can we deal with human Evil when we face it? Well the thoughts of Winston Churchill come to mind. !st off,” if Your going through Hell, keep going” and “ the most valuable thing in the world is Truth, so valuable it is that it is often surrounded by a bodyguard of lies”. Evil wants you to waiver, stagnate, remain silent, look away when you face it. Evil hides in the most common of mondain things, like routine. “It has been like this seemingly forever, and we cannot change it”. Evil fears change. Evil lies hidden within mistruths, gossip, misinformation and slander. Your journey towards the truth requires you to accept challenges with an openness of mind and heart. Facing horrid events, or Evil people requires a understanding of what are your convictions and courage to do what is right.

“Oh no I cannot slow down,I can’t hold back,

though you know I wish I could.

Oh no there ain’t no rest for the wicked,

Until we close our eyes for good”.

Steven Kaszab

Bradford, Ontario

